Episode I

The Phantom Menace
  The Virtual Edition
Episode II
Attack of the Clones
  The Virtual Edition
Episode III
Revenge of the Sith
  The Fans' Virtual Edition
  The Spies' Virtual Edition
  The Virtual Edition
Episode VII
Plague of Doom
  The Virtual Edition
Episode VIII
The Darkness Within
  The Virtual Edition
Episode IX
Duel of the Fates
  The Virtual Edition
Episode X
The Riddle of the Pirates
  The Virtual Edition
The VE Encyclopedia
| Timeline | Characters | Locations |
| Organisations | Terminology |
OPEN    Work in progress
by Nathaniel Reed,  9/2020

Map of the Star Wars
  The Virtual Map
by Nathaniel Reed,  9/2005 | 12/2016 | 06/2018 | 12/2019

Floorplan of the
Millennium Falcon
  The Virtual Floorplan
of the Millennium Falcon
by Nathaniel Reed,   07/2018

The Prophecy
And in time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as : THE SON OF THE SUN.
And he shall bring Balance to the Force.
"Journal of the Whills, 3:12"
Welcome to
Nathaniel Reed's
:: An ongoing episodic story of fan-fic set after Episode VI Return of the Jedi, and inspired by George Lucas' historical draft concepts ::
June 2023
Some hints regarding two upcoming movies crossing-over
30th June 2023
Through June a few hints surfaced regarding the plot themes or summaries for two upcoming movies, the new Rey Jedi Order movie, set 15 years on from Snoke's First Order, and the new 'genesis' movie introducing the 'Dawn of the Jedi' era.

Director James Mangold, on discussing the 'genesis' story, said that it's a relief not to be juggling so much existing lore since his timeframe is "25,000 years before" the existing material. He later revealed that his work, although looking at the Force, is very much before the time of monikers such as 'Jedi' and 'Sith', and that he'd prefer to have a firm idea in his mind before he even thinks about approaching George Lucas ; and he also confirmed that his version of a Boba Fett story - that he had been developing in 2017-2018 - was to have been grittier and grimier than what was eventually developed, very much a tough spaghetti western in space.

Furthermore, there were hints that Mangold's movie might allow for cross-over references to the new Rey story. Kathleen Kennedy, who hinted that the Lucas Saga has now been completed, going on to say, "Rey has made a promise to Luke and that’s really the core of where we’re going and what this story will be. And I think it offers just tremendous opportunity to introduce new characters and start with something fresh", and of any possible connections across the timeframe of the two stories, "It was something that Jim [Mangold] immediately sparked to, and I think it’s a really nice compliment to what we’re doing with moving into the future with Rey, and then understanding a bit more of where this all came from. Because it will be at the heart of creating the new Jedi Order, so to get a real sense of where that might have begun with the dawn of the Jedi could be pretty cool."
The latest artwork for the illustrated virtual edition of Episode VII : Plague of Doom presents Commander Kane receiving an urgent holo-call from the Second Emperor, Mas Amedda.
But he's not expecting to meet the angry visage of Sith Lord Darth Monstross instead !
A little later, as Jedi Master Luke Skywalker moves deeper into the dimly lit Imperial Palace, without warning a red lightsabre blade flashes across his path ! Luke barely has time to ignite his own green sword in defence !
You can see the VE artwork in the 'Townowi' art gallery as well as in the online illustrated story, and you can discuss this in the forum here !
As I did with the progression of the Virtual Edition Episode X, I will post below sections of the prose for Episode XI as I draft it....

The cacophony of the natural world bounced around the open landing platform. The birds and insects of lush verdant Kashyyyk cuck-awwed and chittered to a daily symphony known only to them. The vast platform itself was fairly quiet of activity, with one shuttle sat to one side with technicians and support droids quietly focused on their work, while a huge tower of shipping containers loomed over all, and cast a thickly opaque shadow across to the shuttle.

The sound of an elevator door whooshing open heralded the arrival of General Han Solo and Master Jedi Chewbacca. Below, and built into the side of the mountain, was one of the satellite academies of the Jedi Order. Solo, dressed in a long trench coat, sported a close-cropped white beard, while his hirsute companion of more than two hundred and thirty years barely showed any grey flecks at the ends of his brown fur.

“I mean it, pal,” Han was saying, continuing their conversation from the elevator. “I really appreciate this. I’d feel a lot happier with you by my side.” Han shot a glance up at his former co-pilot from under white eyebrows, and Chewie growled affectionately, landing a wide furry paw on his friend’s head and rubbing it back and forth.

“If it wasn’t for the fact that it’s Imperium of all places, I’m sure I’d be fine !”

Chewie growled and harrumphed a question.

“Yeah, I know, but my agent there is getting jittery now, and I smell a trap...”

They continued walking, and as they circum-navigated to the right of the edifice of shipping containers, Chewie could see the gentle sweep of a familiar shape. The Wookiee laughed, an odd inhale-exhale guffawing sound, followed by a few short barks.

“Yeah, I got the mandibles tractor beam working again,” grinned the old smuggler. “It sure has been a while since we got the Falcon actually shipping anything !!”

Between the forward mandibles of the Millennium Falcon sat a T-shaped box. Through magnetism, this was locked securely to the tower of shipping containers that thrust forward ten deep, five wide, and ten high. The ship’s offset cockpit was in a position to peek around the right hand edge. The freighter now identified with its original function, as an all-purpose transporter, and not the souped-up hot-rod smuggler and Imperial blockade runner it famously became.

The General and the Jedi Wookiee moved towards the port side of the Falcon, and ducked their heads under the hull plating of the belly. Chewie raised a paw and affectionately ran his hand across the plating, purring in happiness. The two passed the ventral cannon, and hooked around to the open boarding ramp. Without a word, they climbed the ramp, and entered the comfortably familiar ship.

Chewie gave a low growl, and Han agreed that it would always feel like home.

“I’ll program the navi-computer to take us in via a neutral manufacturing world,” Han went on, as they made their way through the cockpit corridor, “that way any history they want to check will tally with what they are expecting the cargo to tell them.”

Chewie barked in agreement, and then followed it with a question.

“Yeah, I’ll be going in disguised. And that means you too, pal.” Han gave his friend an apologetic look. “I took the trouble to get them to make up something for you,” he added, referring to his office in Military Intelligence, and he grinned in his disarming way. Chewie rolled his eyes, but nodded, trusting his comrade explicitly.

They entered the cockpit and Chewie gave a low rumble at the view outside. From this perspective, the shipping containers towered out of sight above the Falcon, with the right hand wall creating a hard frame to the vista.

Han shrugged off his overcoat and dumped it into the navigator’s chair, and then smoothly slid into pilot’s seat up front. Chewie turned his frame so that he could slide into the right hand chair, the co-pilot’s.

Already Han was flicking on activator switches, and the familiar whine of the ship’s infamous engines powering up began to fill the interior.

“Come on,” he announced gruffly, more to himself than his companion, “let’s get this over with.”

The Millennium Falcon gracefully rose, and its coupled tower of containers moved smoothly in tandem, as if horn-shaped profile had always been a part of the ship’s silhouette.

The arc of engines turned white, and the Falcon accelerated into the skies of Kashyyyk.

Nathaniel Reed, 30th June 2023
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