Episode I

The Phantom Menace
  The Virtual Edition
Episode II
Attack of the Clones
  The Virtual Edition
Episode III
Revenge of the Sith
  The Fans' Virtual Edition
  The Spies' Virtual Edition
  The Virtual Edition
Episode VII
Plague of Doom
  The Virtual Edition
Episode VIII
The Darkness Within
  The Virtual Edition
Episode IX
Duel of the Fates
  The Virtual Edition

Map of the Star Wars
  The Virtual Map
by Nathaniel Reed,  9/2005 | 12/2016 |

Floorplan of the
Millennium Falcon
  The Virtual Floorplan
of the Millennium Falcon
by Nathaniel Reed,   07/2018

The Prophecy
And in time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as : THE SON OF THE SUN.
And he shall bring Balance to the Force.
"Journal of the Whills, 3:12"
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Nathaniel Reed's
:: A trilogy of fan-fic set after Episode VI Return of the Jedi, and inspired by George Lucas' historical draft concepts ::
March 2019
Episode IX details begin to leak...
31st March 2019
Through March, new details began to leak about Episode IX, ranging from character appearances to seen footage. Following the costume reference sheet revealed in February, a more detailed 'Hero' character collage appeared, this time showing Lando, Chewie, Rey, Poe, Finn, plus primitive-looking bow-wielding Jannah [Naomie Ackie] and helmeted Zorii [Keri Russell ?]. Also an Episode IX poster has appeared, which was later confirmed as being "promotional artwork". The poster shows the Knights of Ren, a new angular pointed TIE fighter, Jannah and Zorii, a new BB8 style droid, Rey with a (?)white lightsabre, but no Luke or Leia or Lando.

Actor Oscar Isaac (Poe Dameron) confirmed that deleted scenes with him and Carrie Fisher from TFA and TLJ have been utilised. And he possibly hinted at a bigger role for Threepio, but since this was based on wrap times, there is currently no way to clarify how many scenes Anthony Daniels was involved with over the course of the production - one scene or many !!

A recent promotional tour of the in-development theme park 'Galaxy's Edge' showed us a new TIE design, the 'TIE Echelon', described as a cross between a conventional TIE fighter and Kylo Ren's shuttle. The presenter gave a hint that this ship might appear in Episode IX.

Finally, some footage was shown to Disney shareholders, and some very brief from-memory descriptions were given out :
  • "blockade runner" type ship in an empty hangar bay
  • stormtroopers and explosions
  • Kylo Ren with Vader's helmet in a whitened room (or similar to Vader's meditation chamber on The Executor)
  • Rey & Finn & Poe in the Falcon's cockpit
  • Rey walking through a marketplace with aliens around her
  • Lando briefly
  • Threepio holding Chewie's bowcaster
  • Daisy Ridley doing stunt work with lightsabre in hand
    During March there were some developments on the upcoming 'Mandalorian' TV show. The IG-88 type mercenary droid was revealed by show producer Jon Favreau on a screen in a voice-dubbing studio, with co-director Taika Waititi apparently doing the honours providing the dialogue. Later in the month, German actor-director Werner Herzog revealed he may be playing a villain in live-action TV series. And at the end of March, it was revealed that Disney may have already renewed The Mandalorian TV show for a second series.
    The illustrations for the virtual edition Episode VII : Plague of Doom continue ! Leia has just drawn on the Force to knock two stones into the patrol troopers' helmets, sending them reeling to the floor ! Just as her husband and brother congratulate her, she spots a computer terminal nearby, and urges Artoo to plug in and retrieve information on the Imperial operation on Kessel. The little droid obediently trundles towards the computer port.
    Moving up to stand beside his counterpart, Threepio reads out the summary of what's been happening on Kessel since the Imperials took over !
    Helpfully Artoo turns his domed head and projects a holograms presenting the Hutt castle and the new Imperial factory. As he retrieves more information he highlights a tower in the castle grounds and informs the others that Alana Seren, Princess of Ondos, is held prisoner there. Luke steps forward and asks the droid to disrupt all communications in the mine complex.
    You can see the VE artwork in the 'Kessel' art gallery as well as in the online illustrated story, and you can discuss this in the forum here !
    Nathaniel Reed, 31st March 2019
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